SOIMA 2011 Course design meeting

March 2011, Vilnius
Meeting of SOIMA 2011 organizational committee was held at Lithuanian Central State Archive, 16-18 March 2011, Vilnius.
International training course will provide an overview of issues related to the preservation and access of sound and image materials e.g., photographs, films, video and audiotapes, and digital materials. It will discuss the value, meaning, selection and use of sound and image collections in various institutional contexts, exploring the potential of sound and image media in transmitting knowledge and cultural traditions. SOIMA 2011 will be held 11-29 July 2011 at Latvian State Archive of Audiovisual Documents, University of Latvia, Latvian National Library, Institute of Literature, Folklore and Art (Latvia), Lithuanian Central State Archive.
Selection of applications and course schedule were main topics of agenda. Meeting was attended by Juozas Markauskas (BAAC, Lithuania), Aparna Tandon (ICCROM, Italy), Samuel Franco (Research Center and Museum of Maya Music, ICOM, Guatemala), Kara Van Malsen (NY University, US), Zane Grosa (Latvian National Library), Gatis Karlsons (Latvian State Archives), Reinis Grigs (Latvian State Archive of Audiovisual Documents), Aldis Pūtelis (Institue of Literature, Folklore and Art, Latvia), Valerija Jusevičiūtė and Jolė Stimbirytė (Lithuanian central State Archive).