BAAC board meeting in Tallinn, March 2015

March 2015, Tallinn BAAC board meeting was held in Tallinn, Estonia on March 6 at the National Archives of Estonia, Maneeži 2. In spite of some barricades in front of the building, we got in and started the meeting on time.
The main purpose of the meeting was planning the BAAC conference in Tallinn, Estonia, 28-30 October 2015. What sets this year apart is that during this conference we will celebrate the 10th Anniversary of BAAC. We hope to see there some special guests and more participants as well.
The conference venue will be the Baltic Film and Media School. After our meeting, we visited this school as well as some possible venues for the evening reception.
Tallinn is beautiful and inspiring place, so we hope to see you there in October of this year. Welcome to Tallinn, Estonia!
By Lelde Neimane